Spiritual direction

Individual Adult Session

Spiritual Direction is an invitation to take one hour a month to focus on inner life and one’s relationship to the Divine. This is a time to slow down, breathe deeply and quiet the noise of the world. It is a time to connect with who you are created to be and to live more truly from that identity.

Spiritual Direction helps to

  • tune into the still small voice of God

  • identify and trust spiritual experiences

  • put faith and beliefs into words

  • discern and make decisions

  • express hopes, struggles, losses and joy

  • explore meaningful prayer practices

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Holy Listening with youth and children

Holy Listening is a ministry where children and youth are heard and supported as they seek to make meaning of the experiences of their lives.

Holy Listening is

  • a place where young people receive attention as they express themselves about the experience of their lives

  • a relationship with a ‘soul friend,’ someone who helps young people recognize and respond to the presence of God in their lives

  • a way to put experiences into words and may refer to God as Love or Goodness

  • includes play with sand, toys, art materials, meditation stones, finger labyrinths and more

  • open to the whole person-body, mind, heart and soul

  • Confidential, unless mandated reporting is an issue

  • Safe and observes accepted practices

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Sandplay is a process of using miniature figures to create a scene in a tray of sand. While seemingly simple, it shares roots with Native American healing ceremonies, Tibetan mandalas and the theories of Carl Jung. Many people find that the sand ‘world’ becomes powerful sacred space. It is a way of connecting with the subconscious. It helps a person name, claim, make meaning and share the story of their life.


  • is calming and quieting

  • is a safe, affirming, creative method of self-expression

  • can stand alone or be a part of spiritual direction and holy listening

  • is for all ages

  • can be thought of as journaling in 3-D

  • is for individual and small groups

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The labyrinth is an ancient spiritual tool. It is not a maze. A maze is designed to lose your way. A labyrinth is designed to find your way. It can be thought of as a three-part prayer walk of Release, Receive and Return. Walking the winding path from the edge to the center is the time to release your cares and concerns to God. Time in the center is for receiving as God meets you where you are. The walk out is a return to the world, re-energized, refreshed and renewed.

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Retreats for spiritual renewal and growth are offered and can be individualized for your group. Themes include spiritual practices, prayer, sandplay, labyrinth, and writing. Half, full or multiple day retreats are offered.

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Surely you desire truth in the inner parts;

you teach me wisdom in the inmost place.

-Psalm 51:6

MEET YOUR Spiritual Director

Jodie Goens, M. A.
Spiritual Director, Sandplay Practitioner, Labyrinth Facilitator

Jodie began her spiritual journey when she attended a class on prayer and the question was asked, “What is God’s will for your life?”

That prompt began a season of listening and searching. She followed the call to training in spiritual direction, sandplay and labyrinth. She is grateful for this promise in scripture, “Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”

She is a companion to others desiring a more intentional spiritual journey, mindful that it is always the Holy Spirit who is the true director.