Jodie Goens

Jodie Goens is Spiritual Director in Residence at First United Methodist Church of North Little Rock.
Jodie has a passion for working with individuals and small groups to quiet the mind and reflect at a deeper level for the movement of Spirit in their lives. With her gentle presence and perceptive listening, Jodie is a companion to children, youth and adults while they explore the inner journey and connect to outer life with authenticity. Sandplay and the Labyrinth are tools that facilitate healing and growth path of transformation. Jodie earned a master’s in counseling from Louisiana Tech. She is retireed as a Licensed Profesional Counselor. Jodie is certified in Spiritual Direction through the Louisiana Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. She is trained in sandplay through the Sandplay Therapists of America. She is a certified Labyrinth Facilitator with Veriditas. Following a full career as a school counselor, Jodie is in awe of how her walk with God has unfolded.


Spiritual Direction starts with the belief that we are all created in the image of God. And in the beginning, God declared creation good, very good. Spiritual Direction is a conversation about life in light of faith. The conversation is often an exploration of daily life with these questions. How are we uniquely created? What is God calling us to? How is God working in our lives and how are we responding? What prayer practices have become dry and which ones are life giving at this time?

I am fearfully and wonderfully made. My soul knows that full well. -Psalm 139:14

The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are. -Joseph Campbell